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PIC OpenVMS decdoc_ue



"Highlight" definitons for DECdoc and UltraEdit

This file can be inserted into the "wordfile.txt" file in the UltraEdit installation to give highlightning to

the DECdocument tags when editied with the UltraEdit Windows text editor.


In this file, SDML has been given the language number 11, but that can of course be changed

to any unused number between 1 and 20. See the UltraEdit documentation.


Tip: Make sure that UltraEdit "knows" about the SDML file type by definiting it using meny

"Advanced->Configuration" and the "File Associations" form tag.


Download (a ZIP'ed version of the DECDOC_UE.TXT file.)


Extract the TXT file and append it to your current WORDFILE.TXT file

in the UltraEdit install directory.

This page last updated the 26-Jan-2013